Play as Colonel (Arcade Mode) : Achieve the Wild West level to unlock the colonel as a playable character in arcade mode.
Play as Female Trooper : Achieve Amateur League / It's a Blast / Demolition Derby with a gold medal or better.
Play as Ozor Mox : Complete Return to Planet X on medium difficulty to play as the hidden character Ozor Mox in TimeSplitters 2's Arcade Mode.
Play as "The Impersinator" (Elvis) : Achieve Gold or Platinum on Double Bill in arcade mode.
Play as Space Sally : Achieve Elite Challenge / Cut-out Shoot-out / Take 'Em Down with a silver medal or better.
Play as Baby Drone : Achieve Elite League / Team Series C / They're not Pets! with a silver medal or better.
Play as Badass Cyborg : Achieve Challenge /
TimeSplitters Story Classic / Badass Buspass Impasse with a silver medal or higher.
Play as Barby Gimp : Achieve Elite League / Outnumbered But Never Outpunned / Time to Split with a silver medal or better.
Play as Bear : Achieve Elite League / Team Series C / They're not Pets! with a gold medal or better.
Play as Beetleman : Achieve Elite League / One Shot Thrills / Double Bill with a silver medal or higher.
Play as Braces : Achieve Elite League / Elimination Series / Men in Grey with a gold medal or better.
Play as Calamari : Achieve Elite League / Burns 'n' Bangs / Chinese Burns with a silver medal or better.
Play as Capt Pain : Achieve Elite League / Team Series B /
Superfly Lady with a gold medal or better.
Play as Capt Sand : Achieve Elite League / Burns 'n' Bangs /
Rocket man with a gold medal or better.
Play as Captain Night : Achieve Arcade League / Elite League /
Superfly Lady with a Gold or higher.
Play as Changeling : Achieve Elite League / Frantic Series / Can't Please Everyone... with a silver medal or higher.
Play as ChassisBot : Achieve Arcade League / Mode Madness / Scrap Metal with a gold medal or better.
Play as Chinese Chef : Achieve Arcade League / Elite League / Elimination Series / Baking for the Taking with a Gold or higher.
Play as Crispin : Achieve Amateur League / Too Hot to Handle / Monkey Immolation with a gold medal or better.
Play as Zombie Crypt : Achieve Arcade League / Beginners Series / Victim with a gold medal or better.
Play as Cyberfairy : Achieve Elite League / Frantic Series / Hangar Hat On! with a silver medal or better.
Play as Dark Henchman : Achieve Elite League / Frantic Series / Hangar Hat's Off with a gold medal or higher.
Play as Dinosaur : Achieve Arcade Challenge / Elite League / Sincere Flattery / Aztec the Dino Hunter with a Silver or higher.