Super cool cowboy/indian shooting game with a good story
Gun>Gun is simply a super cool shooting, cowboy/indian, free-roaming game. It has a good story but... firstly, I was afraid it would be very difficult. So, I set it to easy (believe me: don't do that, unless you've hardly ever gamed). Secondly, the story is so good that I kept wanting to play through it (so I had it on easy) and ended up finishing it quite quickly. But don't think: oh, I won't buy it because I want a game that will last a long time, because you will spend a long(er) time playing if you choose normal or difficult (instead of easy). They are fun challenges but with a lot of blood (I'm 12 myself but I play those kinds of games more often :P). So, if you can't handle that, then you have a big problem because this is without a doubt (I'm not lying) one of the best (and cheapest) games for the GameCube.